Electronic Cigarettes: Alternative to traditional cigarettes

 No more ruining your clothes with cigarette smoke!!!

Are you a smoker and love the experience, but hate the smells associated with smoking, then maybe electronic cigarettes are an answer.

What are electronic cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes also known as e-cigarette or personal vaporizer. Electronic cigarettes turn a liquid solution into a vapor, which is suppose to resemble cigarette smoke. Electronic Cigarettes, produce a mist-like vapor both odorless and completely harmless. They also come in different scents. With e-cig you may control nicotine delivery and you may even choose no nicotine at all.

An electronic cig has three main parts:
  • Cartridge
  • Atomizer
  • Battery

The cartridge serves as a mouthpiece and a reservoir for liquid. The atomizer vaporizes the liquid, and a battery which may contain an electronic airflow sensor that is activated by drawing in air.

 Most electronic cigarette users start by purchasing a starter kit that contains  a battery, USB charger and a selection of cartomizers (cartridges).
E-cigs can provide you with an economical smoke-free alternative to conventional cigarettes and also help you to control your nicotine intake.

Buy Metro Electronic Cigarettes Today!

EverSmoke Electronic Cigarettes Look, Feel & Taste like the real thing, but they're not.